Sunday, April 15, 2012


 The student in ms.galangs blog post was plagiarizing, because it wasn't
making sense, the post was referring to the 1900's at one point but how
can a student in this generation be from the 1900's. Also in the beginning
of the post the language of the post wasn't so exotic,but later on the post had
harder language to be said out of a students mouth.
   The blog post that the student plagiarized  on was referring to the Starry Night
painting by Vincent Van Gogh. I found out this because, it was describing the Starry
 Night picture, it had a church at the stars and a small town in the middle of the immigration
 Ways to stay away from plagiarizing is not to copy and paste things from other websites.
If you are going to copy and paste something   you should leave a source and information
from were you got this from, so your not talking all the credit. You should also highlight the others name.
These were three ways to stay away from plagiarizing.

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