Sunday, April 15, 2012



   I never knew a lot about the tyrannosaurus's relatives before. After  
reading this article I learned some crazy facts that are really interesting.
I learned how the tyrannosaurus had some weird family members, that
won't make you feel like their from the same family.
  One reason, how the T-rex's family is weird is because recently scientists
found these new fossils that show marks of the feathers. Scientists said that
these fossils prove that T-rex's actually had feathers. So they actually do have a
soft side to the aggressive beasts. I never knew that a furious beast like them coud have feathers.
  Another reason,  how the T-rex's family is weird because, they are supposed to
be the strongest kind of dinosaurs, but most scientists think that the T-rex wasn't
that dangerous, because of the feathers. Even though they seem to be carnivores, because of there sharp
   I never knew that the T-rex family was actually soft and not so dangerous.The family seems weird.
I can't believe they had feathers. So weird.

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