Sunday, June 10, 2012

Protagonist of my Coming of Age Novel and Me

  In "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie,  its a story about an Indian (Native American) boy who doesn't fit in with his society. He doesn't fit in, because he has an extremely large head and he is very skinny and small ; tough like the other Indians in his reservation. He also doesn't fit in, because he is extremely poor.
   I could kind of connect to him, because sometimes people make fun of me. They make fun of me, because I am Muslim, they sometimes call me terrorist or Osama; but I don't care what they say I love my religion and I want to be the person I am. I know its not true.
   I would like to suggest this to the protagonist in this book, because he cares about what people say, he doesn't care about anything else.    

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age Novel ( Bildungsroman )

 I am reading A True Story of an Indian by Sherman Alexie . In this book the protagonist is an Indian who is having a really hard time in life. His family is poor, he hardly has any friends and he has some problems from when he was born. He is a boy who is 14 years-old. He is finding out that his family is poor. For example, is best friend his dog was ill, and he asked his parents if they could take him to the vet. His mom said the dog will be fine.But the boy knew that she was  lying asked again, and she says that they don't have the money to talk the dog to the vet, so his father killed the dog. The dog was his only best friend. I am up to the part when he is back at school and everyone hates him, because he is Indian. This book shows a lot about coming of age.

Sunday, April 15, 2012



   I never knew a lot about the tyrannosaurus's relatives before. After  
reading this article I learned some crazy facts that are really interesting.
I learned how the tyrannosaurus had some weird family members, that
won't make you feel like their from the same family.
  One reason, how the T-rex's family is weird is because recently scientists
found these new fossils that show marks of the feathers. Scientists said that
these fossils prove that T-rex's actually had feathers. So they actually do have a
soft side to the aggressive beasts. I never knew that a furious beast like them coud have feathers.
  Another reason,  how the T-rex's family is weird because, they are supposed to
be the strongest kind of dinosaurs, but most scientists think that the T-rex wasn't
that dangerous, because of the feathers. Even though they seem to be carnivores, because of there sharp
   I never knew that the T-rex family was actually soft and not so dangerous.The family seems weird.
I can't believe they had feathers. So weird.


 The student in ms.galangs blog post was plagiarizing, because it wasn't
making sense, the post was referring to the 1900's at one point but how
can a student in this generation be from the 1900's. Also in the beginning
of the post the language of the post wasn't so exotic,but later on the post had
harder language to be said out of a students mouth.
   The blog post that the student plagiarized  on was referring to the Starry Night
painting by Vincent Van Gogh. I found out this because, it was describing the Starry
 Night picture, it had a church at the stars and a small town in the middle of the immigration
 Ways to stay away from plagiarizing is not to copy and paste things from other websites.
If you are going to copy and paste something   you should leave a source and information
from were you got this from, so your not talking all the credit. You should also highlight the others name.
These were three ways to stay away from plagiarizing.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring break hw

  I really liked Gabriela's blog post and Gaudalupe's blog post. I like Gabriela's blog post on Much Ado about Nothing, because she explains a lot about how she feels about the show and what she understood and what she didn't understand. She also didn't summarize.
  I  liked Gaudalupe's because she wrote a blog post about a series. I liked the way she said how her theory was wrong, about the next linger book is going to be about the opposite story of the linger book. I liked the way she was being so specific in her blog. She underlined the title and the series.
  Next time when I write my blog I am going to be more specific and I am not going to summarize. I am also going to underline the title of the book and the author. I am also going to explain my thoughts and theories. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

 I have just finished Harry Potter 4
And in this book all the dark evil is rising. The strongest evil
has came back, Lord Voldemort. He has come back to kill
Harry Potter. I really like the 5th book in the Harry Potter series,
because there is so much action, there is this contest were four wizards will be 
chosen to play in. So there were 3 big challenges and only 
magicians can pass these challenges. The first one is that the  challengers 
have to fight a dragon. The 2nd match is to save your friends from dying underwater
and you have to get passed these monsters underwater that can suck out all your air from your
body. The last challenge is to go through a challenging maze and you need your wand. 
Who ever gets out of the maze first they win the Goblet of fire. This book has a bunch of action. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing- Play trip

  This is a play written by William Shakespeare. When our class went to the trip
we saw how the actors act and on what surface. They had a little stage, were the
whole play happened, it was a 90 min play.
  I really enjoyed that play, because the characters were all funny and there was a
 lot of love and arguing. I liked how the actors used the whole stage and the theater.
There was a lot of rebellion within some characters. In this play there was music
and it wasn't some music from an mp3, it was real music, they had there own band.
I also liked how the actors made you feel like you are watching a movie and you would
feel like you left the stage. I liked how when it would turn night on the stage, they would
movie a big prop and glare light on it to make it to the moon.
 This play was really amazing.