Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age Novel ( Bildungsroman )

 I am reading A True Story of an Indian by Sherman Alexie . In this book the protagonist is an Indian who is having a really hard time in life. His family is poor, he hardly has any friends and he has some problems from when he was born. He is a boy who is 14 years-old. He is finding out that his family is poor. For example, is best friend his dog was ill, and he asked his parents if they could take him to the vet. His mom said the dog will be fine.But the boy knew that she was  lying asked again, and she says that they don't have the money to talk the dog to the vet, so his father killed the dog. The dog was his only best friend. I am up to the part when he is back at school and everyone hates him, because he is Indian. This book shows a lot about coming of age.

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