Thursday, January 5, 2012

Halo as We Knew It

 I read the book Halo The First Strike over the winter break. It was really amazing, with all the Science fiction.
I love the way the author "Karen Traviss" actually made you feel like you are in the story. The way she writes make it feel real. She describes the setting extremely well. She describes every tiny aspect of what's going on in the setting. This is one of the reasons why I thought this book was different from others.
  "Even if the city is smashed to rubble, there was still a decent living to be made from ferrying UNSC..."(pg33) This sentence shows how the city is right after the war. It explains that the whole city turned into a rust yard, and everyone in the city are taking it normal.
   I really like the way she uses her words. It makes it feel like you're in the scene. I love the way she wrote when
the characters were in war. She said how the commander waved the green long flag with a symbol of a spartan helmet. She also said how the characters were knifing and riding there vehicles  .  She also explained how the plane was flying. It was "swarming in the air spinning in twist and turns getting attacked down, still trying to survive. " I thought this book was amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. i liked the way you sdescribed how the author makes you envision what happens in the book.
