Thursday, January 26, 2012

Azkaban!!!!!!!!!!!! Magical Reunion to Sirius

 I am reading the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I love the way Harry gets reunited to his Godfather. It happens when Harry  is in his 3rd year in Hogwarts. Harry has been seeing these wanted posters of a criminal named Sirius Black. He escaped a high-facility base named AZKABAN. Harry is scared of Sirius, because he heard rumors, that Sirius is on the lose and he is going to kill Harry Potter.

  Harry and his friends dared to go and look for Sirius. When Ron( harry's best friend ) got pulled under a reaping tree, Harry and Hermione went chasing after. When they got in they saw Sirius and Lupin ( Harry's Dark Arts Teacher) Lupin and Sirius seemed to be good friends. Harry was confused until Sirius broke it to him that he is his godfather. This is Harry's only family.

   I thought this part in the book was really touching, because it shows that even if your parents died you still have family. Family and friends. 

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